Hearing Aids To The Beatles:
A Musician's Perspective

About The Book

This book is an esoteric study of The Beatles recordings and will transport the Beatle audiophile and musician back in time to the fall of 1962 through the summer of 1966, and help to visualize what transpired between the walls of Abbey Road EMI Studios. It details who performed which vocal parts, if they were single or double tracked, the number of harmonies, how many overdubs, how many instruments were used and who played them.

It's based upon years of intense research, combing through archive interviews, but most of all listening to the Beatles' historic recordings in minute detail. For the musician and Beatlephile reading this book, it will define what is occurring on each recording in a more cogent manner, which will help to visualize the recordings as if you were dropping into EMI studios through a time portal.

The book is geared toward the musician, especially guitarists, and those Beatlephiles who crave dissecting and analyzing the minutiae of Beatles recordings whether it's on vinyl, tape or the re-mastered CD collection.

Available as a 134 page, 8.5" illustrated paperback (ISBN: 978-0-692-55805-8) and also in Kindle format.

About The Authors

Jeffrey Aarons is a professional illustrator and has played guitar for over 48 years. Considering Jeff has listened to The Fabs since 1964 and saw them live in 1966, he has the unique tools necessary to critically analyze the most erudite aspects of Beatles recordings. Jeff resides in New Hampshire, his musical writings have been referenced in books and have appeared in numerous websites including "Those Were The Days", a site devoted to the famous blues rock trio, Cream, created by Graeme Pattingale. Jeff's illustrations on science and medical research topics have appeared around the world.

Mike Brown, who resides in England, is the compiler and author of the renowned Beatles website "What Goes On: The Beatles Anomalies List". He has spent over 27 years listening to The Beatles, plus many years analyzing and extracting the esoteric details of Beatles recordings for his website. He is also a talented musician and computer software engineer among the many skills he has. Mike's experience with collecting extreme anomalies and other Beatles recording details, provided an invaluable contribution to the book.

Text, pictures and videos © 2015-2018 Jeff Aarons/Mike Brown. Visit the website at http://hearing.signal11.org.uk for latest updates and contact details.